Join us September 17 – 20, 2020
Up & Down is co-taught by Elia Mrak and Irene Lyon, and combines Western and Eastern movement practices with fun social engagement games that go right to the heart (and guts) of human healing. Join us in 2020.
Space is limited.


Venue Location
Högbergsgatan 30A
Södermalm, Stockholm

What To Expect

Due to the nature of the Up & Down work our teaching and progressions are based on the individuals in attendance and the group dynamics, but this simple itinerary will give you an idea about how the day will flow.
Each day will go something like
- Plan to arrive for 9:45am (settle, chit-chat, personal time)
- Morning segment runs from 10am-12:30pm
- Lunch break: 12:30pm-2:15pm
- Afternoon segment: 2:30pm-4:30pm
We strongly recommend that you be IN Stockholm the day before the workshop begins.
In all our years holding workshops and events we’ve found that there’s nothing worse than rushing in to a workshop and rushing out without having any time to soak up the new surroundings and integrate the time (and money) you’ve invested in yourself.
We also recommend planning NO TRAVEL the night after the workshop, so you keep the transformation your body and mind has experienced during the workshop.
There’s nothing worse than sitting in a car and driving (or flying) for 5 hours after spending four days moving, grooving and learning. When you give yourself the time for arriving before and added integration afterwards you’ll deepen your learning experience in so many ways.
For those who live in Stockholm and surrounding areas, I recommend the same.
Schedule your night before the workshop to be open and free of stress and allow for plenty of travel time to the venue during the workshop. After the workshop ends, have your time open for YOU so you can also integrate and let the workshop sink in.


Your Up & Down teachers Elia Mrak & Irene Lyon.