Guidelines for the Up & Down Workshops Facebook Group

WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re here with us. To ensure an optimal experience, please read these guidelines to completion. This is a requirement for participation in the Facebook Group to ensure containment and alignment with our teaching in the Up & Down Workshop and/or Virtual Class. 

By being in this group, you agree to abide by the following outlined guidelines. That means it’s your responsibility to read, understand, and follow these guidelines. Failure to comply with the guidelines will result in consequences detailed within this document.

Please note: all communication is subject to our terms  and privacy policy


Purpose of the Facebook Group

We’ve chosen to host this group from a desire to serve and support you in your Up & Down experience. It is intended to create a safe and supportive space to discuss personal processes, ask questions, exchange ideas, discoveries, and challenges in relation to your own direct experience with the practices in Up & Down. As such, we ask that the focus of this group be on the Up & Down Workshop and/or Virtual Class.

This group is strictly for paid and alumni members of the Up & Down Workshop and/or Virtual Class in good standing. We are diligent at cross-referencing those who we approve into the group with proof of registration. If, for any reason, you don’t agree with our guidelines or would prefer not to be a part of this group, you can remove yourself at any time. 

Please note, posts outside of the main focus of the group may be removed if we feel it’s not contributing to the spirit of the group and its intentions. 


Personal Conduct

Be kind. Encourage and support your fellow members in this group. Treat everyone with acceptance. If you disagree or have an opposing viewpoint to share, first seek to understand the other person’s point of view, ask questions, and gather information before responding. When and if you do respond, do it with respect, honor, and from a place of compassion. Spirited debate about ideas or concepts is awesome, personal attacks are not.

As a general guideline to posting in this group, always remember to do it with intention. Connect with your body. Make it more than just an intellectual experience.

This group is diverse and we welcome and celebrate that diversity. While we understand and respect that some people want to engage in online discussions around topics they feel passionately for like politics, gun control, religion, race, sex, disability, marriage, etc. — those topics are not the focus of this group. If we feel a post is not serving the spirit of the group, or harmful to the group and/or individuals, we may take action (see Guideline Violations below).  

Please note, we have a zero tolerance policy for harassment, hate speech of any kind, bullying, disrespect, drama or gossip. Violations of this guideline are taken seriously, and may result in action up to, and including, immediate removal from the group. 


Respect & Empathy

These are the primary qualities to embody when reading comments in this Facebook group. 

Please remember that it’s NOT your job to fix anyone, or to try to make them feel better if they are having a tough time. It is our job to hold the intention that everyone has the capacity to heal and sometimes this means feeling the tough stuff.

Please provide 100% Confidentiality, Respect, and Empathy to ALL participants involved.



Never email or contact other members without their permission. Direct messages on Facebook are treated like email for the purpose of this community, and we don’t allow the mass spamming or violating of members’ or moderators privacy through direct messages. 

If you receive a direct message from a participant that is in direct violation of these guidelines, we ask that you take screenshots and send them to us at so we can research the issue and handle it appropriately.


Video Posting by Members

We ask that you not post any videos of yourself asking questions or talking about something. It’s not that we don’t want to hear from you, but in terms of the medium we have found works best in this group, we prefer the written word.

Posting of information-based videos by others that relate to workshop and/or class content is allowed (details below).

Please Note: Considering consent and privacy, we ask that you not post any videos or images of minors (including family members such as your own children, grandkids, etc).


No Promotion or affiliate links

Safety and containment are a big part of our work. As a result, any solicitation, referrals or other posts that do not follow the guidelines will be deleted. This group is not a place to find customers, or recruit people to other programs or groups. We also ask that you keep all posts free of personal business info, website links, and contact info.



To support safety and containment, please remember anything shared and discussed around your peers’ personal history, their struggles and processes, is to be kept within our discussions in the Facebook Group.

ALL conversations, communications and comments between members, Irene, Elia and Team Members, as well as any of Irene’s or Elia’s written words explaining concepts is to STAY IN THIS GROUP and remain confidential.

The ONLY TIME it is permitted to copy and paste a passage is when Irene, Elia or Team Members, have explicitly given you permission to copy/share content/text around a particular video or article that is being shared for educational purposes.


What Can be Shared

Within this group, members are welcome to share links or other resources (books, videos, images, other complementary mind/body practices, etc) that are consistent with what we’re learning in Up & Down. For example, maybe you found a beautiful picture online. We ask that you ONLY POST if it relates to your work in Up & Down and you MUST post WHY you are sharing the piece, in relation to Up & Down. Comments that have no explanation or give no context of why you are posting will be deleted.


Who will be answering your question in the Facebook Moderation Team?

Each Team Member brings their professional and personal experiences to the table when answering your questions and providing support. All of the people on the moderating team are trained in Somatic Experiencing or Somatic Practice which is the work of Kathy Kain (along with other mind-body and therapeutic professions) and are devoted to helping and healing. 

The moderators are in the group and answering your questions. Here’s a list of the moderator names: 

  • Jennifer Greer, Irene Lyon, Elia Mrak

Technical and administrative support:

  • Crystal McLeod, Diana Freitag-Thomas, Amar Lalli


What to do if you see someone else violating the guidelines

Should you experience or witness a guideline violation within the group, the best way to handle it is to report the post or comment. If the guideline violation is in a direct message to you, we ask that you screenshot the message and contact us immediately at


Challenges or Technical Support

If you have any issues within the group, general feedback or need tech support, please contact Team Lyon support staff directly at


The Fine Print

This group is not a replacement for medical advice and/or somatic therapeutic work you’d get from a trained individual. This is not a professional support group or a place to receive accredited therapy or deeper psychological counseling. Members are urged to seek professional advice for specific, individual situations and not rely solely on advice or opinions given here.

Irene, Elia and Team Members are not responsible for the actions or behaviors of any individual in this group.

We reserve the right to change these Guidelines or to impose new conditions on the use of the Site from time to time, in which case we will inform you via the Facebook group and/or email. 

Irene Lyon, Scientutive (“Company”) reserves the right to permanently suspend membership for any member at their discretion. Violation of any Guideline as determined by Company, is grounds for permanent or temporary suspension of a community member. Company reserves the right to deny any request for membership and remove any post at its discretion. 

Company reserves the right, at any time, to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Facebook Group, with or without notice. 


Enjoy the Group!

These guidelines may seem strict, but we want to provide an overview at the start of our time together so it is clear what the group is for, and what it is NOT for.

Once more, we are grateful you are here and learning the education for rewiring your nervous system and having better health all around.

Take very good care and ‘see you’ in the comments of our Facebook Group!

Irene and Elia.

Note: If you have any questions about our guidelines, or if there’s a question we haven’t answered here, please write to us at